On July 28 Troop 123 headed out for Camp Bradley. The troop would be staying there for a week. We worked on merit badges, volunteered to help, and of course had fun. Camp Bradley had invited many troops from all over. There was even a troop from Hawaii, they ended up winning the big prize. The prize was special because the warden had made it with an magnify glass, burning into the wood. Most boys there traveled by bike, our troop walked, it wasn’t that far between destinations. There was work throughout the week, including cleaning latrines, kitchen cleanup, helping adults clean up metal from the roof repairing, and even setting up and taking down camp. As a troop we all had fun at Camp Bradley!
At Camp Bradley in our free time we thought we might have some fun. We got some logs and lashed them together to make a TV basically. One of our Eagle scouts got out some bow string, we tied a branch so it stuck out from a stump. Then we tied a cracker to the end not too far from the ground. Then we get out chairs and wait. And you can watch what we used for entertainment, just look below.